Necessities Psycho Educative in Main Caretakers of Patient with Head Cancer and Neck
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Published: 15 April 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Background: the cancer constitutes a problem of health with a high repercussion, not alone in the physical order, but also psychological and social.
Objective: to identify the necessities psycho educative in main caretakers of patient with head cancer and neck.
Material and Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted in a health area, where from a population of 30 main caretakers and 15 professionals. Empirical and statistical methods retest interview and test de Friedman y Wilcoxon.
Results: it was obtained that, among the necessities psycho educative of more relevance that the main caretakers possess, from their perspective and that of the specialists of the service, they are: knowledge of the illness and the abilities for the care.
Conclusions: was reflected the necessity to make actions psycho educative that contribute to the preparation of people that assume the care of patient with head cancer and neck, to propitiate forms more than confrontation.
Keywords: Head cancer and neck; main caretaker; necessities psycho educative.

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How to Cite
Laura Mayara Proenza Gonzalez, Aguedo Medardo Treto Gonzalez, Silvia J. Gonzalez Arias, Yakelin Luna Carvajal, Jesus Cuellar Alvarez. (2019-04-15). "Necessities Psycho Educative in Main Caretakers of Patient with Head Cancer and Neck." *Volume 2*, 1, 56-60